In Baldur’s Gate 3, “Avenge the Drowned” is a quest that prompts you to look for equity for a sad occasion. This guide will give you the moves toward complete this quest, including finding the drowned and fulfilling the quest’s goals.

How to Complete Avenge the Drowned in BG3 Baldur’s Gate 3

Finding the Drowned:

Find the Quest: You’ll probably experience the quest “Avenge the Drowned” while exploring certain regions in the game. Pay attention to discussions, read notes, or interact with NPCs to initiate the quest.

Gather Information: Take part in discussions with NPCs to gather information about the incident that prompted the drowning. They could give you signs about the area and conditions.

Completing the Quest:

Investigate the Scene: Make a beeline for the place where the drowning happened. Investigate the region for any signs, things, or interactions that could uncover more about what occurred.

Gather Proof: Search for articles, notes, or other things that give insight into the occasions surrounding the drowning. These things could lead you to reality.

Address NPCs: Take part in discussions with important NPCs, like observers or those firmly connected with the drowned individual. Their records could reveal insight into the conditions.

Follow the Path: Utilize the gathered information and proof to follow a path that guides you to reality behind the drowning.

Face the Offender: Recognize the party in question and go up against them. This could prompt a showdown or exchange that determines the destiny of the quest.


Experience Points: Effectively completing the quest will compensate you with experience points, contributing to your personality’s development.

Things or Cash: Depending on the quest’s result, you could get things or money as a compensation for your endeavors.

How to Complete Avenge the Drowned in BG3 Baldur’s Gate 3


“Avenge the Drowned” is a quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 that stresses investigation, investigation, and direction. By piecing together hints, speaking to NPCs, and making decisions in light of the proof you find, you can unwind the secret behind the drowning and make proper moves. Completing quests like this rewards you with experience and things as well as enhances the storytelling part of the game, allowing you to draw in with the world and its inhabitants on a more profound level.

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