Beating Xerneas in Pokémon GO can be a rewarding accomplishment, as Xerneas is a strong Unbelievable Pokémon with novel capacities. This guide will furnish you with the basics of how to overcome Xerneas in attacks and offer a few tips and tricks to increase your odds of coming out on top.

How to Beat Xerneas in Pokemon Go

The Basics of Beating Xerneas:

Xerneas is a Pixie type Incredible Pokémon, and that implies it is powerless against certain sorts of assaults. To overcome Xerneas in strikes, follow these basics:

Gather a Group: Make a group of Pokémon with types that are solid against Pixie types. These include Steel, Toxin, and Steel/Mystic double sorts.

Utilize Powerful Moves: Pick Pokémon that have moves with types that are really viable against Pixie types. Steel-type moves, Ground-type moves, and Toxic substance type moves are good decisions.

Boost CP: Ensure your Pokémon have high Battle Power (CP) to bargain critical harm to Xerneas.

Tips and Tricks for Beating Xerneas:

Type Benefit: Steel-type Pokémon with Steel-type moves, Ground-type Pokémon with Ground-type moves, and Toxic substance type Pokémon with Toxin type moves are your most ideal decisions for this fight.

Strike with a Gathering: Xerneas is a strong Unbelievable Pokémon, so engaging it with a gathering of individual trainers is suggested. Join a strike hall to increase your odds of coming out on top.

Evade Charged Assaults: During the fight, Xerneas might utilize Charged Assaults that bargain critical harm. Focus on the viewable prompts and attempt to avoid these assaults to minimize harm to your Pokémon.

Use Mixtures and Resuscitates: Assuming your Pokémon faint during the fight, use Elixirs and Restores to keep them in fighting shape.

Weather Lifts: Taking benefit of weather lifts can give your Pokémon extra power during the fight. For instance, assuming the weather is shady, Typical sort moves are supported, which can be helpful for some Pokémon.

Augment Fellowship Rewards: Raiding with companions can furnish you with Kinship Rewards that help your harm result and give you additional Chief Balls for catching Xerneas.

Utilize Golden Razz Berries: In the event that you’re attempting to get Xerneas in the wake of defeating it, utilize Golden Razz Berries to increase your possibilities of an effective catch.

How to Beat Xerneas in Pokemon Go


Beating Xerneas in Pokémon GO strikes requires a completely ready group, information on type benefits, and successful fight methodologies. By assembling areas of strength for an of Pokémon with type benefit and using the right moves, dodging assaults, and raiding with companions, you can increase your opportunities to effectively overcome Xerneas and possibly adding it to your assortment. Recall that cooperation, arrangement, and adapting your technique are vital to conquering Amazing Pokémon attacks in Pokémon GO.

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